Start Singing Now is an online business that offers voice lessons and vocal coaching on live video conferences on Skype. We work with classical and pop singers and train them into a healthy way of singing. We retrain the vocal mechanism to make it work efficiently, giving the singer a way to sing effortlessly, with power, flexibility and beauty. This is only achieved when the singer finds a perfect balance between the muscle movement and the flow of air, allowing the vocal mechanism to work with the less amount of tension possible. The singer will find that perfect balance by learning to use the voice correctly, relaxing the muscles in the right places, allowing the flow of air to go directly to the resonance areas. Singing this way, singers will develop the volume, stamina, flexibility, beauty, strength and endurance they all need to sing for long periods of time without causing vocal damage and keeping the voice healthy for years to come.
We teach through Skype. This kind of technology gives international students the possibilities of taking voice lessons with Start Singing Now, no matter where in the world you are.